The 1st Quarter Moon and Neptune

September 10th ~ 17th

“Dream Land” by Emma Florence Harrison (1910)

“Dream Land” by Emma Florence Harrison (1910)

A dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness… ~ Carl Jung 

The Virgo brethren already know this. Those of us who are merely making our way through Virgo season may wonder why the Virgo magic is not working as well as it should. When in Virgo season we attempt to sort out and detangle our minds, organize our environments and make sense of our lives and the world that we live in. This can be a challenge in even the best of times. However, ever since Neptune made its entrance into Pisces in 2011, we have had our work cut out for us each year. This is because at some point in Virgo season, we inevitably have to come head to head with Neptune, churning up the confounding waters in the opposite sign of Pisces. 

Confronting illusive Neptune from the well-tended and scrupulously organized field of Virgo is like trying to make sense of the insensible or attempting to organize chaos. Like capturing a breeze in a jar, bailing out a dinghy with a teaspoon in a torrential downpour, or daring to define God, we are, quite simply, out of our depth. 

And as the Sun comes to perfect its opposition to Neptune this week at the first quarter Moon (21º Sagittarius - on Monday, September 13th), we may even feel a little overwhelmed. 

The first quarter moon is usually a time of month when things begin to get busy. The momentum is picking up, we’re ready to open the throttle and go with the flow. This is a time of growth. But it also takes work and effort for things to get off the ground. And with leaky Neptune in the picture, we may be hard pressed to get that momentum going. Neptune can literally drain us of our energy when it afflicts Mars (as it did on September 2nd) or the Sun (as it will this week). 

What makes it even more challenging, is that with Neptune in the picture, we are being asked to go full steam ahead through a veil of uncertainty. We are in Virgo season and there’s nothing more we want than to have all the answers and a clearly detailed road map, but that is unlikely with Neptune in the picture. Plans may not work out as hoped. People don’t seem to have the answers that we seek. There is deception afoot and enemies lurking in dark corners. Goals may feel undermined, we fear loss, and the future is unclear. Or we just feel totally distracted. How can we possibly navigate through this foggy morass? 

The best way to navigate this weather is to go with the flow and go within. Be flexible and trust that clarity and the answers we seek will come when they will. Neptune asks us to have faith, even when there is no reason that we should. After Tuesday, when the Sun perfects its opposition to Neptune, it will then apply to a trine to discriminating Pluto, which will be asking us to take the helm. 

What this week is good for is connecting with our own heart center, our intuition, and our own inner guidance system. That too is Neptune. It may seem like we are doing absolutely nothing as we find ourselves dreaming and immersed in our wonderings. Sometimes in order to do this well, make that connection with our own inner Neptune, we need to suspend our critical thinking, which seems like something we should never do this time of year! 

Just know that we are not being asked to thoroughly suspend all logic and common sense. But we are being asked to make space so that that intimate connection with Self, Soul, whatever you may call it, can be established. Find your way through the illusive and the imaginary, and make your way to the heart, to your soul center. What does your heart of hearts long for? What does your heart of hearts know? 

A sense of empowerment will more easily arise when we connect with that soul center. Then as the Sun/Pluto trine kicks in we will attempt to make our way out of the Neptunian bog and take the helm once again. Know that the more in tune we are with our own sense of purpose and destiny, the more empowered we will feel. 

Ways to make that connection as we approach the 1st Quarter Moon on September 13th and leading up to the Full Moon in Pisces on September 20th

  • Dreams, dreamwork, and even daydreaming can tune you in. Our inner Neptune speaks to us in symbols, metaphors and feelings. But they use our own symbols and metaphors to speak to us. Therefore we hold the key to our own dreams. Carl Jung wrote that “a dream is a little hidden door to the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul…”

  • Mysticism and spiritual practices, in whichever way is most meaningful to you: through meditation or prayer, through divination or chanting. My dear sister was just telling me about a Japanese practice known as Forest Bathing (shinrin-yoku), in which you immerse yourself in nature, taking in the forest through your senses: the sounds of the birds singing, the smell of the trees, the clean air which purifies and cleanses your soul. When in Virgo season, a time when we are connecting to the earth, we are even more likely to find the God principle, the Neptune principle in and through nature. May we all find our forests to bathe in.

  • Indulging one’s imagination and fantasies. It would be a shame to ignore the behests of your heart and soul. The music you find yourself drawn to, the colors, the scents, the light, the feelings. Perhaps you find yourself drawn to some time in history that you feel a connection to and want to learn more about. They are all trying to show you something about yourself and your true heart center.

  • Compassionate Service. We are in Virgo season after all! Through Neptune we come to realize that we are all swimming in this same great Ocean of Life together. We are not alone. Volunteer. Stop to speak to someone who merely needs to be heard. Take someone’s hand when it is needed. In a quote sometimes attributed to Kahlil Gibran, sometimes to Rabindranath Tagore (but perhaps may be neither) we are reminded: I slept and I dreamed that life is all joy. I woke and I saw that life is all service. I served and I saw that service is joy.

For this week’s horoscopes, click below:


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