Pluto's retrograde Station 2024

Things always feel a little deep when Pluto stations. All the more so after newly entering the sign of Aquarius. For as Pluto stations for its retrograde phase, we are all going to be getting a bit of a glimpse of what this 20 year transit is going to be about if we play our cards right, but also what it could be if we don’t.

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In the wake of two eclipses, and even while Mercury is still retrograde (until the 25th) and the Moon is growing to fullness on the 23rd, Jupiter and Uranus perfect their conjunction this weekend. Jupiter has the capacity to exaggerate and expand the qualities of whatever planet it touches, while Uranus wants us to be freed up in order to grow beyond our previous expectations. And as a result, in some wonderful way we are being freed up for ever better possibilities. 

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The New Mercury Cycle and Jupiter meets Uranus

Between the inferior conjunction of Mercury and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, it could feel like something new is waiting for us just around the corner. Be open to possibility, for there’s no telling what that can bring.

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A Total Solar Eclipse on April 8th

On April 8th we have a Total Solar Eclipse at 19º Aries 23’, exactly conjunct the centaur Chiron. Literally in the heart of the Eclipse, our Wounded Healer takes center stage. In the mythos of Chiron, what made our wounded centaur such a capable healer, was not only that he was gifted in his art, but that he knew what it felt like to be in pain, and so was better able to relate to the wounds that others carry. And so may we also find that through acceptance of ourselves and others, we can come to a better realization of our own humanity.

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Between the Eclipses Mercury stations Retrograde

Betwixt and between the two eclipses, the Lunar Eclipse on March 25th, and the Solar Eclipse on April 8th, Mercury stations for its retrograde phase, which lasts until the 25th of April. We stand here in the void between the Lunar and Solar Eclipses, as if in the eye of a storm. We are in the veil between the eclipses, where change, time warps and incomprehension can all converge And all we can do is walk through to the other side.

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The Lunar Eclipse in Libra March 25th

On March 25th the Full Moon will enter the Earth’s shadow (the Penumbra) creating a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. And yet only faintly obscured, it is still an eclipse of the moon. This is the time of year when the Sun, Moon and the Earth are so perfectly aligned to allow the Earth to cast a shadow on the Full Moon. And so perfectly aligned so that the Norns sitting at the feet of Yggdrasil have free rein to weave their webs and plot our fates in the tapestries of our lives. Welcome to Eclipse Season. 

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The Aries (Vernal) Equinox 2024

The Aries (Vernal) Equinox is not ony the first day of Spring here in the Northern Hemisphere (and Autumn in the South); it is also the Astrological (as well as the Persian) New Year. The first degree of the first sign of the year is ripe with new beginnings.  This is the bird hatching out of the egg, the new buds on the trees in Spring. There is nothing quite like this fresh Aries energy for starting things, and getting us motivated and moving. 

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A Super New Moon in Pisces

This week we celebrate and welcome in a Super New Moon in Pisces. Super Moons occur when the Moon is close to the earth in its orbit. Although we cannot see the New Moon, they may not as spectacular as the Super Full Moons, they can still be pretty spectacular in their effect. All the more so if you have natal placements around 17-23º of Pisces or were born on or around March 10th. And for all of us, we may ask: what needs to be improved, released, or reimagined, in order for you to live your own best life?

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Jupiter semi-square Neptune

We have now reached the first juncture of the 13-year Jupiter/Neptune cycle which began in 2022. It is at the semi-square of Jupiter and Neptune that our ideals are being tested for stamina: can they make the cut? What adjustments might we want to make? And what can we tweak now in order to live a more meaningful life and lifestyle?

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The Virgo (Spring Cleaning) Full Moon

The Full Moon on February 24th (or 23rd) at 5º Virgo 23’ is our Spring Cleaning Full Moon here in the northern hemisphere. It is also a time of celebration in the East, where the Spring Festival in China is the culmination of the Lunar New Year celebrations. Lanterns are lit, and fireworks light up the skies. It is also a day to do a thorough Spring cleaning, sweeping out the remnants of the year that was, in preparation for the year to come.

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