Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: September 17th thru the 24th

“Fairy Islands” by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite (1916) from the book, Elves and Fairies

For the week of September 17th thru the 24th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


With the Full Moon in the very last degrees of Pisces, Aries could be feeling like you are on the verge of something that is still only in the planning and preparation stages. And there seem to be a number of loose ends that you are needing to get tied up first. But it’s just so hard when your heart isn’t really into it any more. You may have recently been collaborating on a project, or you have been encouraged to take on a goal. As a result you really don’t want to let them down. Collaboration is not really your thing, because they often require concessions and compromises. However, having that external motive can be very useful this week to help you to achieve your goals just when your own motivation seems to be lagging. And if nothing else, through sheer persistence and determination, and a desire not to let the other people down you will find yourself making progress. Sometimes we just need that extra external push, motivation or reason to help to bring us to the finish line. 


Many a Taurus will feel like they are being tested to stay the course this week. If you have been feeling at all thwarted, rejected or ignored, or even worse, controlled or repressed; you will be questioning whether or not you are indeed on the right path. Promises will be reassessed, obligations reviewed. And if you are feeling particularly limited or oppressed in your current situation, you could easily find yourself looking for an excuse to get out of certain obligations by the end of next week. There is only so much a Taurus is going to tolerate in this sort of weather. Many a Taurus has been working very hard to establish their autonomy and independence recently, and having that compromised by anyone or anything will be rejected outright. Your freedom and independence was hard won, and it kind of looks good on you. If nothing else, what comes out of this is an awareness of how much it means to you to be able to live your life according to your own terms these days. 


Mercury is now officially in its shadow, shifting the perspective and asking you to slow down and go within. This can bring a tremendously introspective period in which you find yourself analyzing just about everything. No stone will be left unturned. But perhaps even more importantly, and in the light of the upcoming Full Moon in Pisces, you are also being asked to connect with some sort of vision for the future. By the time Mercury will be direct again in October, you will begin to see the promise of that vision being foretold one way or another. In the mean time, take some time out of your busy life to tune out the noise, the hubbub and the commotion, and allow yourself to tune in to yourself, and explore what that vision might be for you. It may be concerned with a goal that you might want to achieve, or perhaps the focus is on some sort of self-improvement; or perhaps it is merely to open your heart just enough to allow some joy to come home to roost. Ask yourself, what would your most heartfelt vision for the future look like for you? 


The Full Moon each month is a time of fruition or completion. It can also be a time of revelation, as things that were previously hidden now come to light. But with the Full Moon in Pisces, what comes to light can be a little more subtle. Perhaps a feeling. Or an understanding, that changes your perspective and the way that you see things. But as a result of that shift in perspective, you may find yourself asking questions, and searching for answers. It would be a shame to ignore the behests of your heart and soul. The music you find yourself drawn to, the colors, the scents, the light, the feelings. Perhaps you find yourself drawn to some time in history that you feel a connection to and want to learn more about. They are all trying to show you something about yourself and your true heart center. This will be all the more so with Mercury also now in the shadow of its retrograde which begins on the 27th. But with both of these auguries this week: the Full Moon in Pisces and the shadow of Mercury’s retrograde, you are being cautioned not to look for the answers without, but to look within, to your own heart of hearts. For that is where the answers lie. 


As we now approach the Full Moon on Monday, you will also find your resolve returning. A sense of self-empowerment arises when we come to appreciate our own self-worth. It gives a sense of purpose. And the more in tune you are with that purpose, the more empowered you will feel. This will all come to a head with the Full Moon in magical and mystical Pisces. Let it all wash over you, like a job well done, a sense of completion. A premonition of what is yet to come is emerging, even if it is not yet clear. That resolve will carry you forward. We are also approaching the Equinox on September 22nd. This is one of the important 4 corners of the year, when we are most in alignment with the earth’s axis. The Equinox is a time to sow peace and gratitude. Make a gratitude list and release it out into the universe. Any and all positive energy sent out at this time will help to alleviate any discordant energy, both in your own personal life, and in the world at large. Therefore release it like a balloon being carried aloft with the promise of higher hopes and a better future. 


We are making our way through the last vestiges of your sign, culminating with a Full Moon in Pisces on September 20th. This can be a time of completion, where we find ourselves exhaling and releasing. Sometimes you just need to let everything go. It can also be a time of revelation and understanding. But it can also be a time in which we are able to connect with ourselves and others in a very significant, and perhaps meaningful way. Through the veil of the Pisces Moon we come to realize that we are all swimming in this same great Ocean of Life together. We are not alone. Volunteer. Stop to speak to someone who merely needs to be heard. Take someone’s hand when it is needed. Whether that means splitting your sides with laughter with your very best friend; or reflecting on the past and what once was; or taking a stand against the inequities and injustices of the world. You will find yourself wanting to put your best foot forward, defending, supporting, caring and divining. This will ll help you to sort out your upcoming priorities. 


On Wednesday we have the Equinox as we officially enter Libra season. The Libra Equinox is a time to sow peace, harmony and gratitude. Therefore take some time out to make a gratitude list. Leave nothing out. You’ll be surprised how long this list can be. And then gift it to the universe. Any and all positive energy sent out at this time will help to ameliorate any discordant energy, both in your personal life and in the world at large. And this will be especially important given some of the current weather that we will be navigating this coming week. There may be issues surrounding trust, especially money, possessions or values, that finds you feeling very self-protective, and realizing where you want to re-set your boundaries, and retreat from obligations that may have become too odious, costly or overbearing. This could cause some rifts and even some shifts in alliances in the process. Even so you might want to wait until the dust settles, before making any long term commitments. Just so long as you are clear on where everyone stands in the process.  


Relationships, agreements, obligations will all be under scrutiny this week as the planet Venus creates a t-square with Saturn and Uranus. This could create a few rifts and open up a few wounds in the process. But what you are exploring is what is or is not working. You are re-setting your boundaries, and exploring the limits of what is or is not acceptable for you. And anything, or anyone, that has been imposing an undue burden on you will be reassessed. Strong relationships, and sound agreements will continue to thrive, but not without a few twists and turns. And even when and if the dust settles, you will find yourself having to defend your position is one way or another. And due to the fact that we are now in the shadow of the Mercury retrograde on the 27th, this defensive posture could continue on for a few weeks. In the mean time, don’t allow all this to deflect you from your duties. You have some loose ends that you are needing to tie up and resolve. Set goals for yourself, and thru sheer persistence you will make progress, even if it doesn’t feel like you are doing so at the time. You may be amazed when all is said and done. 


There is a magical and mystical Full Moon on Monday. But it can also be a very emotional and wistful moon. This could be especially so if it is shining a light on something that you were not previously aware of, leaving you feeling a bit flummoxed. Don’t take things too much to heart. For there is also something really hopeful and positive about this moon. Maybe some good news in the offing? Perhaps what is coming to light actually has a silver lining? In some way this moon is trying to get all of us to connect with our hopes and vision for the future. See if you could but channel even a little of the magical potential that this moon is made of. Use your own keen powers of visualization to tune in to your own best possibility. You may not be able to make it manifest right away, but connecting to what that vision is, is the first step. You’re being asked to consider the big picture, and what in your heart of hearts you know is right and fair and best. Then hold on to that vision over the weeks ahead, as you will then explore the ways to make it a closer and keener reality. 


When it comes to certain of your goals you will feel as if you are right on track. You could even receive confirmation for this, either from someone in a position of authority, or through an opportunity that will help you to further your aims. You already have a vision for the future. And lately you’ve been looking for positive ways to make that vision a closer and more achievable reality. But as we enter the shadow period before the Mercury retrograde, you may want to further explore what is or is not working. Are there a few too many distractions in your life? This may mean having to set clearer boundaries with others, and being willing to say No when you need to. This can also be about knowing when you need to ask for help, and when you are going to need to delegate some of the burdens you’ve been carrying on to the shoulders of others. It’s a matter of sorting out your priorities in order to get yourself back on track, and to be the better able to take charge of your own destiny.  


Many an Aquarius is setting the tone for their futures and looking at ways that they may wish to take better control over their lives and their destiny. Even if this may require needing to make certain sacrifices in order to do so. If you have not been terribly disciplined, then now would be about the time that you would start thinking about setting certain practical limits and boundaries with yourself. Or conversely, you may be exploring the ways that you have been denying yourself too much, or being too strict. In which case you will be recognizing the need to allow yourself a few more liberties. Maybe break a few of your own rules. The Full Moon in Pisces is a time in which you are being asked to sort out your priorities, and get yourself back on track again with those things that are truly your highest and more important priorities. What, in your heart of hearts, do you really really want and or need in order to live your own best life? Once you have identified what your highest priorities are, then you will be able to set your goals, and create some sort of realistic and achievable plan.. 


There is a Full Moon on September 20th in the very last degrees of Pisces. Therefore it will be those Pisces at the very end of the sign that will feel this Full Moon energy the most strongly, however all Pisces people will be feeling this one. It is a time of culmination or fulfillment, where you see the results of causes set in motion in the past. And it is also a very intuitive and insightful Moon, filled with magic and hope. The Pisces Full Moon can often be wistful and emotional, but thanks to a positive and aspirational trine between Mercury and Jupiter on the day of the Full Moon, this is a Moon filled with hope. On the night of the Full Moon, the 19th or 20th, find your own best ways to connect with self: Find a quiet, safe place in which to meditate, contemplate, reflect, journal. Use your favorite tools of divination and contemplation: the I Ching, the tarot, the runes, the clouds, the stars. The Full Moon in Pisces, the most mystical of moons, is our doorway and portal to the soul within. Look for your own best way to open that door to the divine within.