Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: June 19th thru the 26th

Dionysius the Areopagite Converting the Pagan Philosophers by Antione Caron

For the week of June 19th thru the 26th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Sometimes there are no words to express what you are feeling. There are times when words are inefficient. Probably just as well, especially now that Mercury is retrograde, to keep some things to yourself. Any way, what’s to be done with all these feelings? You’ll need some time on your own just to sort them all out. This is also a good week to sort things out at home: tackle those projects you’ve been trying to ignore while you’ve been on lock down. The Solar Eclipse on Sunday wants you to pay close attention to the domestic front. And Mercury retro wants you to sort out those papers, and organize that work space once and for all. The Solar Eclipse is a little deeper. It speaks to your heart as it asks you, what exactly makes a home a home? And if there were some changes that you might want to make over the next few months, what might they be? Is it about the space? The people that you call family? That sense of belonging? What are the things that define home for you? 


Your ruling planet, Venus, is finally stationing direct next week. It will take a few weeks for it to pick up speed again, and as it does so it will feel as if you are all shifting back out into the world. In the sector of your chart that has to do with priorities, finances and personal skills, you could also see some resolution in these areas. The world is opening slowly though. For as Venus is finally going direct again, Mercury and Neptune are joining the legion of retrograde planets. It may be that some things need to be sorted out first before you can fully move forward. Even as the Solar Eclipse on the Solstice is daring you to reengage with your immediate environment once again. Eclipses have this way of setting the tone for months to come. So realize that the seeds that are being sown now, as small as they may seem, can have much larger ramifications later on. So even if it may feel like you are on a ship passing others in the night, connections are still being made. 


As your ruling planet Mercury takes a turn about in the sign of Cancer for the next few weeks, many a Gemini will be reassessing their finances and priorities. This may be as simple as keeping a closer eye on the purse strings, and counting out the pennies, trying to figure out where it is or is not going. At the very least you will be noting where and on what you have been spending your hard earned cash, time, and energy. More importantly these next few weeks are about prioritizing where you want to invest your time and money. It’s about those things that  your lend your life meaning. And with the Solar Eclipse on the Solstice this weekend you might also be thinking about how you might even be able to increase your self-worth. Eclipses have us looking with a longer perspective. You may not necessarily be able to make the changes you want right away with all of these retrogrades floating about, but this surge of energy that the Eclipse is bringing could help to plant seeds that will inspire you for months to come. 


The Solar Eclipse on the Solstice is like a reboot with an extra surge of energy ready to galvanize you for the year ahead. For the past year and a half, Cancer has been growing and evolving. Now with Mercury retrograde in Cancer, you are being given permission to peel away the pieces of your life that are no longer relevant to the person you have become and are yet to be. This growth spurt will probably only exacerbate some of the miscommunications and crossed signals that the retrograde phase of Mercury will bring for the next few weeks. For as you have been gradually unfolding through this period of self-discovery, others may not fully recognize the person that you are now. What may have been appropriate for you before, may not be enough for where you are right now. There are two Cancer New Moons this year. And the Solar Eclipse this Sunday is setting the tone for months to come. So although the Eclipse on Sunday is about a New Beginning, it is more like a gradual unfolding. The next New Moon on the 20th will be its confirmation. 


This is usually a time of year for Leo to step back and cool their heels. All the more so with the current Mercury retrograde phase which lures you into the world of daydreams, and distracts you with memories and reflections on the past. It could be distracting enough to interfere with your everyday mundane tasks; but it can also transport you into this other realm of your imagination. But in order to get the most of this period, you will need some extra time on your own. This will allow you to process and make sense of all that you have recently learned, observed and heard. All the more so with the Solar Eclipse this weekend on the Solstice. You’re being shown what you have outgrown, and what may be distracting you from moving forward. What needs to be released, in order to make a much needed beginning? One way to discover this, is by connecting with your heart center. Connecting with those things that are a part of your heart, all in all. Knowing yourself on these deep personal levels is perhaps the most important thing you can do for yourself right now. 


You might have already begun to notice some of the usual potholes and detours that get in the way when Mercury enters its retrograde phase. Communications go awry. Things get misinterpreted. It doesn’t help when all the cell towers stop functioning and the internet gets overloaded like a 7 lane highway of information loaded onto a small country dirt road. Good to back up your devices if you haven’t already, and avoid controversial subjects in public domains. There’s no telling what will go viral in this weather. With the Solar Eclipse on the Solstice and Neptune stationing for its annual retrograde phase, what this weather is good for is reassessing all of your associations in general. By realigning yourself with those principles, those ideals that are closest to your heart, you will find yourself gradually moving away from those that undermine those principles, or diminish your hopes, while moving closer towards those that support your aspirations, hopes and wishes for the future. 


Your ruling planet, Venus, finally stations direct next week. It may take some time for her to pick up speed again, but it could eventually help to clear up some concepts that you’ve been seriously thinking about these past 6 weeks,. Some things that may have considered are the ways that you might be able reach a broader market, or improve your reputation and standing in your community. Now that Mercury is retrograde this is also a good time to step back and think about your brand: how you wish to be seen, what you want to be known for. What you might want to improve. It may be some time before you are able to fully implement any new plans, but there are still some things that you may be able to do in the mean time to prepare the field. Especially in the realm of communications and public relations. One thing that Libra is all too aware of, is how important it is to be mindful of what you say, as well as how you say it. Especially so when others seem to be watching and paying attention. 


Just one more week of Mars in Pisces, and then once Mars enters fiery Aries on the 28th it will be all hands on deck for pretty much the rest of the year. So enjoy this brief pause. Use this week to reflect and reassess some of your plans for the future. You may not be able to implement plans right away (hello, everything retrograde these days); but the Solar Eclipse on the Solstice is asking you to think in terms of possibility, and how you might be able to open up your world (and your potential) in the outer world.  Many things will need to be reassessed on a day to day basis, so it is probably not a good time to commit or make any major decisions. What often seems like a good idea while Mercury is retrograde, will have its issues revealed later on when Mercury is direct again. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t reassess your long-term goals, and what you will need or want to do over the months ahead to make them a closer reality. 


Despite all the retrogrades, the secrets, the intrigue, the hidden agendas, and lingering grief; Sagittarius, as you often do, will still enter the week with anticipation and hope. Sagittarius is riding this surge of possibility, which may even find you wistfully creating some kind of long-term plan. Optimism can only carry you so far though. You also need to be prepared. And one thing that you may want to focus on is making sure that you are not being talked into something that you don’t want to do. Time to set those boundaries. Use your No when you need to. It’s time to clear the field so that you have room to make the commitments that you really do want to make going forward. Pay attention to what needs to be sorted out, or even discarded, in order for you to cultivate the conditions for a new and better beginning. 


Sometimes the best way to communicate with others, is to just be there for them: be the one who listens deeply; who connects by being present. The spotlight right now is on your closest relationships, those that were, those that are, and those that are yet to come in the future. And if you must speak, do so from the heart so that you can be heard. It is so easy to be misunderstood these days, now that Mercury is retrograde, you don’t want to have your intentions backfire or be misinterpreted. And if you are trying to negotiate something more serious, you might even want a third party to check over the contract, or be a witness. All the more so with a Solar Eclipse on the Solstice making things even more unpredictable. In the midst of all the eclipses and retrogrades, it may come as something of a surprise to find yourself thinking forward. Just remember, that because of all these retrogrades, you may want to backtrack to make sure that you are still on the right path.  


With all the strange chaos and miscommunications that Mercury retrograde phases can bring, it may seem a contradiction to use this time to create order, organize and get all of your duckies in a row. But that’s precisely what you are being asked to do. Work, health, routines are all going to be scrutinized, as you are reassessing what does or does not work any more. What habits have been undermining you? What routines are no longer working? And with the Solar Eclipse on the Solstice there is also the promise of an imminent new beginning. It could also be about the superfluous things that you would like to cut out in order to make room for those things that support your health and well-being. Whether that be a new health regimen, sprucing up your diet, or simply making sure you get enough sleep. The focus is on cultivating a healthier, more organized, more efficient, and energized you. 


Neptune digs deep in your sign this week, enveloping us all in feelings, premonitions and wonder. Neptune can overwhelm us with uncertainty and emotion. It can also whisk us off to the land of fairies, with magical dust and wishes. Whether grieving or wistfully reading the tea leaves, Neptune is speaking to us all, but perhaps more personally to her Pisces brethren. Listen for her voice in the wind, in the trees, in your dreams, and the silence. She speaks to us through our dreams, through our intuition, our conscience and our hearts. We are all awash with feelings this week, between Neptune’s station, Mercury retro in Cancer, and the Solar Eclipse on the Solstice. Romance, love, children, those people and things that make your heart sing will be calling to you; just begging you to express yourself both candidly and intimately. Speaking from the heart and listening deeply makes everything that much more meaningful.