Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: February 28th thru March 6th

For the week of February 28th thru March 6th, be sure to read your rising sign as well: 


Usually it’s something of a joy to have Venus visiting your sign. But with the stellium in Capricorn, Venus is just agitating all of that up into a ball of angst. She’s running the gauntlet this week squaring Pluto, then Saturn. When you’re not obsessed, you’re feeling resentful in this weather. Best not to dwell too much on things, especially those that you don’t have that much control over. And avoid making comparisons, or thinking about what you should have or could have done. They’ll just piss you off. And things are probably not quite as miserable as they may seem. There may even be some good news before all is said and done. Just remember that Mercury is still retrograde, and often what seems like a really good idea while Mercury is retrograde will have its faults revealed later on. So best not to rush into anything. You really can’t count on current perspectives, as these are subject to adjustments and updates. So stay tuned. 


The planet Venus is taunting us as it makes its way through the last degrees of Aries this week. Expect all sorts of feelings, fears, obsessions and drama to ensue as she agitates the last of the Capricorn planets. It may feel as if all of your worse fears are colliding with your deepest yearnings. Needless to say, this is not the best weather for major decisions as our values, hopes and wishes may be skewed by external circumstances. There is often fear, especially fear of loss, when Venus transits Saturn. The good news is that things are probably looking much worse than they actually are. And there may even be a silver lining here. For once Venus finally leaves Aries, she then comes home to her own sign of Taurus. And although she will need to deal with her new roommate Uranus when she arrives there, think of it as putting on your favorite, most comfortable pair of jeans. 


Many a Gemini may be reassessing their plans for the future as Mercury continues to meander its way through its retrograde phase. However, when it retrogrades back to Aquarius next Tuesday (or Wednesday), you may notice a shift in the way you perceive things. There may be another point of view that you hadn’t even considered, and things are not always what they appear to be. Especially when Mercury is retrograde. One thing that can be helpful, is that this can be a really good time to go back over old information: review, re-study, re-read. And do so with an open mind. Not only could you pick up on something that you may have missed the first time around, but you may even come to a different conclusion. Any way, it’s always helpful to look at things from another perspective. Even if it’s only for a brief review. 


The planet Venus is going to enter Taurus next week (and bump into Uranus in the process). But before it even gets there, it’s going to first stir up some trouble with the Capricorn stellium of planets. There are likely to be a few hurt feelings in the process. Maybe a little remorse. And it could even feel like we are unable to connect with the people and things that we most desire. At least not in the way that you would probably like to. Venus square Pluto can be deep, and there is nothing quite like the power of obsessive desire. Especially when you then have it denied or taken away by Saturn. Whatever the outcomes this week, do not fear. A shift is in the cards. And as Mercury retros back to Aquarius as well, you’ll come to realize that things are not quite so bleak as you had feared. There may even be some good news in the end. Look for answers in some deeper than usual conversations. 


There is something sublimely intriguing about Pisces season, that can also be exasperating. This week will not be the exception. For the good and the ill, it’s all being confounded by Venus at the tail end of fiery Aries agitating things even further. Avoid trying to compare your lot in life to anyone else’s. It’s probably not even true. If you can’t have what you want or desire, focus on what you do have. Saturn at the very last degrees of Capricorn will have many feeling fretful. But not to worry! Venus entering Taurus on the 4th (or 5th) could lighten things up for Leo. And those people who have been otherwise absent? They just may show up on your doorstep this week. There’s some unfinished business needing to be tended to, and once that is all straightened out, you’ll be able to face the future with a much lighter load.  


What you learn over the course of this week, could ultimately prove to be illuminating. When out in nature, many things may seem to be disguised by their environment. But if you were to relax your senses, then you begin to see things that you had not seen before: the wild flowers poking their heads above the loamy earth; the owl in the tree; the sedge sprouting at the edge of the forest; the woodpeckers announcing their territory. If you allow your senses to relax, and not be overwhelmed by extraneous things, there is no telling what you will begin to notice. Keep an open mind and you might just surprise yourself as well. Something that you may have previously thought to be absolutely true, may not necessarily be what you thought it was. There’s more here than meets the eye. 


You may find yourself running a full gamut of emotions over the next week, as Venus ekes its way through the last degrees of Aries. Those Librans in the last third of the sign will feel this most acutely, but everyone will be aware of the emotional intensity in the air. This can be anything from obsession, resentment, fear and loathing; to moments of commitment, determination, and renewal. If something comes to the surface, take care of it, then move on. Best not to dwell too long on things. And chances are, things are not quite so bleak as they appear to be. This can bring a brief reality check. But once Venus enters Taurus on the 4th (or 5th) you can then get a better perspective of where you stand, both in your relationships, as well as in the practical arena: sorting out any lingering financial matters, especially those having to do with taxes, debt, credit or insurance. 


If you find yourself obsessing over the weekend, you are not alone. It could feel a little like we are all waiting for the other shoe to drop. Do not read too much into it. Things will be shifting for the better, and there may even be some good news before the week is out. Mercury is returning to Aquarius next Tuesday (or Wednesday), which will shift the perspective just enough to open you up to new ideas and possibilities. You could find yourself trying to sort things out at home or with family, or being preoccupied with past events. This is a time to reflect on how these may bear on your present life and situation. Because of this, and because this tends to be a more introspective period than usual, you will find it easier to connect with your innermost feelings and ideas. 


Mercury continues to retrograde back through Pisces until Wednesday, when it will then re-enter the sign of Aquarius. It could feel like you are going back over old territory at this point. And if that is the case, it’s for the purpose of revising and reviewing what you had previously covered. And although Mercury is still retrograde, and often what looks like a good idea while Mercury is retrograde will have its faults revealed later on, there could also be moments of realization and clarity that could shift things a bit. One of the down sides of Mercury retrograde in Aquarius for Sagittarius, is this feeling of being very busy, or running around a good deal. The nature of Mercury is electric in Aquarius, and the very atmosphere might be buzzing with activity. Keep your mind open and flexible. There’s no telling what you might discover; even if there is a bit of commotion going on.  


With Venus in Aries agitating all the planets currently congregating in your sign, it could feel this week as if you are unable to fulfill your most heartfelt desires. No matter how intense things may feel this week, realize that things are probably not as bad as they seem. There might even be some relief later on, once you manage to successfully navigate your way around things. Mercury will retrograde back to the sign of Aquarius this week, and as it does so, Capricorn is being asked to reassess and revise your current priorities. This could be about managing resources, and gaining more clarity about these. It’s also about getting all of your affairs in order, in order to figure out the best ways to manage your precious time and resources moving forward with greater clarity and objectivity. 


Mercury continues to retrograde back through Pisces, and then back into Aquarius on Wednesday. This will feel like a time of revision for you as we go back over old territory once again. This could include feeling inundated with paperwork, facts and information. Don’t even try to sort it all out yet. At least not until Mercury is direct again after the 9th. Yet even so, it could seem as if some of the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together. There may even be some sparks of illumination and clarity in the process. Just remember thought that Mercury is still retrograde, and often what seems like a good idea when Mercury is retrograde will have its faults revealed later on. Right after Mercury heads back to Aquarius, Venus also returns home to Taurus, where her new roommate, Uranus, has taken up residence. This is opening up a whole new paradigm in your personal life. But we will discuss that later. 


As we delve further into the depths of your sign this week, you may be among the few who know how to do an adequate butterfly stroke in order to make it through the shifting tides. You learned how to navigate by the stars lifetimes ago, and you have no fear that you will lose your way this time either. Things will often seem most murky just before you reach your final destination. But there may be an exception this week, for as Mercury retrogrades back to Aquarius, it seems to be guided by its own northern star that is leading you where you need to go. Pay attention to not only what you see, hear and touch; but also pay attention to your inner senses, as the behind-the-scenes aspects of a situation are going to be stronger than usual. Best to maintain a wait and see attitude over the next few weeks. At least until everything that you are going to need to know, will finally be revealed.