Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: December 20th thru 27th

For the week of December 20th thru the 27th, be sure to ready your Rising Sign as well:


In many ways the upcoming Solar Eclipse on the 26th is a powerful and affirming eclipse for Aries. It’s as if you receive confirmation for all that you have been working so hard to achieve these many years. In a way, this point in your life is like standing on the peak of a mountain. You are being given a vantage point from which you can see all the decisions and choices that have led you to where you are now. And hopefully it can also shed some clarity on where you see yourself going from here. The Solar Eclipse is an excellent time to: set new career goals, or goals that will impact your status and reputation in some way; to renew or recommit to a fulfilling life path or goal that you are already on; or to be led to realize your true life path and purpose. What is the image that you would like to see yourself achieving in the outer world? Through this process seek to honor your own authentic path, even if it may not necessarily be what others expect of you. A good intention for the Eclipse could be: May I easily attract, realize and find myself successfully pursuing the right path for me. 


Your ruling planet, Venus, moves into Aquarius on Friday expanding your broader network of acquaintances. This also allows you to make connections with those individuals who could help you to achieve your goals and aspirations. These individuals may be somewhat different from what you are normally accustomed to, but they are also capable of opening you up to alternatives that you may not have considered before. This is totally in alignment with the upcoming Solar Eclipse next Thursday that dares to stretch us beyond our comfort zones, just enough to embrace possibility. Sometimes all it takes  to solve a problem is another perspective, or being willing to look at a problem from a different angle. Sometimes your whole point of view can change as a result of something you learn, a teaching or a life path that helps to expand your world view. And that is what this Eclipse has the capacity to do. Some possible intentions for the New Moon Solar Eclipse may be: May I have the wisdom to realize my true path when I find it; or May I find the best guide, teacher or teaching that will lead me where I need to go. 


The first few days of this week could be deceptively misleading. It may be that you are seeing or believing what you want to see rather than the way things actually are. Therefore don’t believe everything you hear, and take things with a grain of salt, waiting until the facts are all on the table before making major decisions. What you will not want to miss is what is being revealed through this glorious Solar Eclipse on the 26th. This is the sort of eclipse that dares to solve a problem, reveal the truth, and bring solutions where previously you only saw obstacles. You just need to get past the cloudy fuzziness part first. No matter what it is, you are going to want to honestly and courageously face anything that is being revealed through the Eclipse energy that is arising. It may be that the very thing you fear, is the best thing to ever happen to you. Perhaps you even come to that point where you realize that enough is enough, and it’s high time to make a whole new resolution about where you want to go, and how you wish to conduct your life. 


The upcoming Solar Eclipse on December 26th dares to open up your world in some significant way. If only by allowing you to look at the world from another point of view, or through someone else’s eyes. A door is opening out on to a whole new world. This Eclipse is about discovery, renewal, and the realization that you don’t necessarily have to keep doing things the way you have in the past: there are alternatives. And these alternatives can be discovered through your relationships with others who serve as some sort of catalyst for renewal and rebirth. Some things that can be released in the ambit of this fabulous eclipse: the fear of being emotionally vulnerable; the fear of being judged; the fear of making a long-term commitment. This is a powerful eclipse for those Cancers who are born in the early degrees of Cancer from June 21st thru the 30th, or have 0-8º Cancer Rising; however all Cancers will be sensitive to this Solar Eclipse that is asking you to be open to making your world just a wee bit larger.  


If you feel that you’ve come to some sort of dead end where you cannot go any further, realize that this is just when fabulous breakthroughs occur. For that is when you realize that sometimes you need to shift gears, and perhaps go in a different direction. Perhaps a direction that is more realistic and sustainable. This time of year is also often a good time for Leo to initiate any kind of health program, diet or exercise regimen. All the more so with a Solar Eclipse coming up next week! This is really the ideal time to set those New Year’s resolutions. Try to choose just one area to focus on, and you will find that the rest will follow. And don’t overwhelm yourself with too many expectations. For instance, focus first on being a healthier, happier version of yourself, rather than being your own worst critic. One of the advantages of creating new positive habits right now, is that you are more likely to follow through. Capricorn has staying power. And that is especially so if you make your goals manageable and achievable.  


You come to realize in this weather that things are not always what they seem to be, and that it is important to not make assumptions based on appearances alone. Therefore focus on what is in front of you, for that is where you need to be. It will also be where you find your most lasting joy. In fact, with the upcoming eclipse next Thursday, a good intention might be: I want any resistance, or obstacles to joy and happiness lifted from me. What are those things that bring you the deepest form of happiness and satisfaction? What do you find yourself wanting to do when you have some time to yourself? And how can you make those things more of a priority in you life? For the next few weeks see how you can cultivate more: fun and pleasure in your life; focus on a creative outlet through which you can express yourself; think about the impression that you want to make to the world; and connecting with the people and things that bring you joy. 


With such an emphasis in the sign of Capricorn you are being asked to pay attention to the very basic foundations of your life: home, your family, your history, your ancestors, your support systems, your tribe. Chances are there have already been some changes here in recent years. Changes that make you realize that things and people that you normally assume would always be around, may not always be there. It makes you appreciate what you do have. It also leads you to think about where you see yourself living in the foreseeable future; what home and family mean to you; and what you can do to improve these. But perhaps even more important are the changes that are occurring inside, on deep emotional levels. For this can be a time of inner healing: unloading emotional baggage that you’ve been lugging around with you; or coming to appreciate the patterns and events in your life that have led you to where you are now. You are now building a foundation of emotional strength and fortitude that will carry you for years to come. 


Use these last few weeks that Mars is still in your sign to gather the forces and get things done. Never will you have that force behind you as you will this coming week leading up to the Eclipse on Thursday. Mars only remains in Scorpio through the 2nd of January, and you will want to focus that energy, initiative, and motivation to tackle a project, or follow through with specific goals. Mars in Scorpio has will, determination and steely endurance. It also has focus and the unbridled ability to root out even the most obscure facts otherwise hidden from view. There will be little to stop you, once you set your intention on something. Use it and use it well, and you will succeed at whatever you put your focus on. Do not fear the truths that are being revealed through the window of the fabulous Solar Eclipse next Thursday. They could even be revelatory. And even if it is a problem that is being revealed. It is being revealed because you also have the ability to do something about it.


You might want to ask yourself what it is that you are afraid of? It is kind of crazy the way that Sagittarius invariably end up landing on their feet, no matter what is going on. And that’s despite the fact that they don’t always have a plan, or keep to it. Nonetheless, with next week’s eclipse that is what you are being asked to do. This is a time to be thinking about creating some sort of financial plan, or creating a realistic budget that you know you can live with. Ask yourself, if this is the direction in which you wish to go, how can you make this path sustainable and affordable? You’ve probably already had bouts of having to reprioritize and restructure your life; as well as the way you make money over the past several years. But if you were to think in terms of improvements, what changes might you want to make in order to create a solid and reliable foundation that you know you can depend on well into the future? 


The New Moon Eclipse next week is reminding you that today is the first day of the rest of your life. So where would you want to start? And what do you want to achieve in 2020? This powerful and generous Eclipse in your sign is an opportunity to reinvent or improve yourself and your life. Be willing to embrace the reforms and changes in your life that are well overdue; while adjusting to, and following through with the changes that have already begun. Think of the next several weeks as an opportunity to allow all the changes that have been germinating and percolating on the back burner to reach their inevitable climax as you step into the next decade with confidence and (dare we say it?) enthusiasm. And if there are any obstacles, particularly internal obstacles, this is a good time to address these. Ask yourself what is standing the way of you achieving your dreams? What is preventing you from taking that first step into the rest of your life? Some possible intentions for Thursday’s Solar Eclipse might be: May I see all feelings of doubt or fears of failure easily lifted from me. May I be open to being a truer and more authentic expression of myself. 


Next week’s eclipse can stir up, agitate and revive old memories from the past. It can also bring the tools that will allow you to lay them to rest. Can you address the past without fear and loathing, or any other sort of attachment? This is necessary in order to achieve some kind of inner healing. One of the first steps is to embrace your past. All of it. The good parts and the ugly parts. Embrace all the steps that have brought you to this place where you are now. Then release it in the magnanimous embers of the New Moon Eclipse on Thursdday. Let all the heavy baggage slip easily off your shoulders and then heave a sigh of relief as you prepare the way to take the next step into your future. Remorse is reliving the guilt and shame of having taken a wrong turn, and then blaming yourself. You don’t need to carry that nonsense into the next year. Regret, however, is simply the decision to not do it again, and make better choices going forward. You can also use the upcoming eclipse season to step back, taking personal time for yourself to create more stability and inner peace of mind. It’s well nigh time to do so.


Although things may be a little vague and even confusing over the weekend, this will fizzle out as we approach that enlightening Solar Eclipse on the 26th. Solar Eclipses occur on a New Moon meaning that these are usually harbingers of new beginnings or to planet seeds for new initiatives. The New Moon in Capricorn also happens to be a wishing moon for Pisces, for this is also the time of year when you are more in alignment with your aspirations, hopes and wishes for the future. And with lucky and expansive Jupiter, your ruling planet, also in this picture, you are being asked to sow your wishes far and wide. As Anais Nin once suggested: Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it may bring back… So it is when we toss our wishes and intentions into space: a new life, a new friend may arrive… Therefore use this Eclipse to sow your dreams and wishes. But since this is an eclipse in practical, no-nonsense Capricorn, not only send your wishes into space, but also set the intention to receive the tools and the resources that will allow them to be realistically achievable.