Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 14th thru the 21st

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by Thomas Ridgeway

For the week of October 14th thru the 21st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Straight out of high school, I took a job at a Local Union office. Filled with vim and energy, like most Aries people, I was in constant motion, filing, typing and running around. One of my favorite co-workers  was a Libra named Mary McCrystal. And as I flitted about her, she remained unperturbed. Her favorite motto was: “the faster I go, the more behinder I get.” With Mars slowing for its retrograde station the end of this month, Aries is being asked to take a page out of Mary’s book. I know, I know.. there’s so much to do! However with Mars also square Neptune through most of November, the more rushed we are the more frazzled things will become. This is when our schedules get out of hand, things get away from us, and get lost in the process. The more you try to get done at once, the less gets accomplished. No matter how busy your day may seem, no matter how many things you are needing to juggle, realize that the best way to get through all that is by taking things one task at a time, one day at a time. And before you know it, you’ve made it through to the other side.  


By the end of next week your ruling planet, Venus, will conjunct the Sun, initiating a new 100 year Venus cycle in the process. With an emphasis on things like balance, harmony and moderation, many a Taurus will be reevaluating what it means to make these more of a priority in their lives going forward. And seeing the value and rewards of doing so. And perhaps also the necessity. Whether it be due to necessity, or because you can just see the value of doing so, having the values of Venus in your life, by cultivating peace, serenity, and balance, while still being able to enjoy the things that matter, can be a recipe for success in the long run, and help you to wend your way through the uncertainties in the short run. Meanwhile, Saturn is poised to station, also the end of next week, on the 23rd. Be prepared to see some of your goals beginning to finally take hold, and actually begin to move forward. Now that we are entering eclipse season, there’s no telling what is going to pop up out of the woodwork. 


With Mars in your sign, the natural inclination is to rush through life, dashing here, there and everywhere. There are places to go, and people to see. However, now that Mars is slowing for its retrograde phase, it is about to pause and even appear to stand still. And in the process it is asking you to pause as well. Take a breath, and reassess. Especially so with Mars square Neptune! The more you try to push yourself, the less will get accomplished. Allow yourself to ease into the retrograde phase. Or you could find yourself barking up the wrong tree, or getting lost and waylaid along the way. Or like a hamster running on its wheel, going really fast, but getting nowhere. We’re being asked to pause and withdraw from the activity and mayhem for a reason. In some way you are needing to conserve your energy for now. Gather your resources and allies, and reassess the current plan. You will need all these later when the fog lifts, and you can finally see your way forward again. In the mean time, a wait and see attitude is being required.  


Keep an eye on that last quarter moon on the 17th. As we are now approaching eclipse season you could begin to see some of the transitions that are about to unfold, within and without. It could even feel like we are all standing on the edge of a precipice, just watching, as we see one era gradually coming to an end, and another setting the stage for a new beginning. The period betwixt and between these shifting patterns and changing dynamics can be mixed up with a bit of turmoil. That often happens as things begin to shift in this way. But in the mean time a lot of loose ends are needing to be tied up, and things needing to be brought to completion in order to prepare the way. It could feel at times like some things are coming undone. But that is what happens when creation takes place. When a seed germinates it needs to crack open and have its insides emerge. That is what the beginning looks like. An unfolding from within, outwards. 


As the Sun moves through the last degrees of Libra, Leo will continue to ponder the virtues as well as the fruitlessness of things like (in)justice, (un)fairness and (dis)harmony. This is especially true for those Leos who are feeling the rub of the upcoming eclipses. As we stand at the threshold of Eclipse Season, it can feel for some like you are moving through some sort of transition. Or at the very least, watching one unfold around them. The truth is, we come to a time when the circumstances of the past will no longer suffice. Either it is unsustainable, we have outgrown the previous circumstances, or they are no longer valid for where we are now. If things have become so imbalanced that they are no longer bearable, know that you have support, and that support is even closer (perhaps at hand’s length) than you realize. And it is this support that will hold you through any transitions that might be occurring. Something may be ending. But there is also the promise here of a brand new start. 


Mars slowing down for its retrograde phase at the end of this month could be throwing a few monkey wrenches into the works. Or it could be the very thing you need in order to recoup your energy and reevaluate your current goals. Sometimes we need just this sort of digression from the norm in order to see our way more clearly in the future. So if you find yourself being taken off the path, or out of commission for a few weeks, think of it as something of a temporary interruption from your regularly scheduled programming. Meanwhile, your ruling planet Mercury is finally picking up some of its own speed. And despite what all else is going on, diversions or not, you are on your own trajectory. And this will be all the more so when Saturn finally stations direct next week. Just note that it might take a little longer than usual with all of this other stuff going on, but get there you will.  


By the end of next week, your ruling planet will be conjunct the Sun, initiating a new 100 year Venus cycle in the process. Before it gets there, Venus, strong in its own sign of Libra, is well supported by other planets, bringing a tenacity of purpose even in times that are riddled with uncertainty. One of the reasons for the uncertainty and why we simply cannot see the full results of events that are already set in motion, is partially because we just don’t have all the facts and information yet. Another reason is that we are in the process of making some sort of transition between the past and the future. A part of us may cling to what used to be valid, even as we have already outgrown the old labels, and the old ways of doing things. Now our outside circumstances are going to have to catch up to where we are now. And like a caterpillar now transformed, you are just about ready to emerge from your cocoon, newly reborn. 


Just know that with all of the current weather we are receiving, that if your heart isn’t in it, you just won’t have the motivation to follow through. It’s got to be meaningful, or touch your soul in some way. Otherwise you will find yourself drifting away from the page, losing interest, and dreaming of faraway places. Or worse still, dozing off at that supposedly important meeting. However, if you are involved in a project or activity that gives you a sense of purpose, you’re all in. This is the sort of weather in which we can get supercharged through serving others, a worthwhile cause, or to fulfill a cherished ideal. Then it will be worth the effort and sacrifice. You will be front and center. Otherwise, not so much. If you are feeling totally unmotivated, find yourself something that will. Whether that means volunteering, helping the neighbors out, or just showing up, make it worth your while.


The prevailing Mars/Neptune square that lasts through October and most of November can prove to be confounding for a number of people. Mutable signs such as Sagittarius are going to be especially susceptible to the vagaries and confusion. And perhaps what is most confusing are the behaviors of other people. They say one thing and do another. Or you just can’t figure out what is motivating them, or why they do the things they do. You suspect them of bad behavior, and yet you don’t necessarily have any proof. If you are unsure of others and their motives, perhaps it is a good idea to wait and see. All things will be revealed in their own time and at their own pace. And there will be little you can do to speed up the process. Therefore wait until the fog lifts, and you are able to see your way forward with greater clarity, before making any major commitments or decisions. The weather is just a little too fuzzy right now to see exactly which direction you are headed. 


Your ruling planet, Saturn, is slowing for its direct station on the 23rd. It is practically still at this point. Or at least appearing to be so from our perspective. These are always extraordinary times in the year for Capricorn. This is when you begin to magically see the obstacles that had previously been in your way, gradually begin to fall away. And this all seems to make even more sense right now because your ruling planet is also being supported by an air sign Grand Trine from Mars, Sun and Venus. This is the sort of transit that makes you feel as if all is right with the world, and that your hard work and sacrifices are going to finally begin to bear fruit. Some prevailing squares (including a square to Saturn) could be muddying the waters a little bit, but that should not dissuade you. Doubt not. As Saturn is now poised for its direct station, it will soon be moving forward again, and taking some of the doubt and conflict out of the picture. Watch for some interesting changes afoot as a result. 


It’s never easy having Saturn transit through your own sign. Saturn always makes us work hard. And as Saturn is poised for its direct station this week, it will be making its presence known. But as it does so, it is also trying to show you the results and rewards that can also come from having Saturn here. One of the reasons for that is a strong and powerful Air Grand Trine holding all of the air signs, Aquarius included. This is the sort of configuration that makes one feel as if there is a sense of rightness in the world. That although we may bot be able to see all the causes and conditions that bring us where we need to be at a specific time, we do have these moments when we can see the justification of it all in the end. And that can be encouraging. This doesn’t mean that you won’t have to continue to work hard. You are setting the foundation for something important. And Saturn wants that foundation to be strong. And for that you will need to work hard. 


If you are feeling a little disenchanted, confused or beleaguered, know that it probably has something to do with a very long and winding Mars/Neptune square that lasts until the latter part of November. It’s the sort of transit that drains us of all of our energy, and brings us to a halt. This would be especially true if you’ve been pushing yourself extra hard lately. Mars/Neptune isn’t having any of that. Mars/Neptune weather is good for yoga retreats that are not too rigorous, perhaps more like a meditation retreat, or a quiet sojourn with nature. Mars is slowing down for its retrograde station at the end of the month, and it is taking us along for the ride. Go with it for now. You may be looking around you and trying to figure out how you are going to get everything done, but the truth is, it will still be there when you get back. In the mean time, that retreat has your name all over it.